11 Web Color Schemes Sites

It's Holi today! A celebration of colors and one of my favorite festivals. But colors have always confused me while designing a website, not that I'm a pro designer. So here's a small gift on this day...a list of sites I came across that would surely help you find color schemes for that new project you have been stuck up with...

COLOURlovers™ - It's resource site that monitors and influences color trends. Here you will come across a world of color palettes to draw inspiration from.

color hunter - It is a place to find and make color palettes created from images. You can search by tag or hex color code or image URL. If you have an image, you can upload it and get a color palette based on the colors in the image.

colr.org - A cool tool to let you fiddle around with colors from images again. Really simple and very useful.

Colors On The Web - A site is dedicated to the use of colors in design, and especially in web design. Plenty of useful info and inspirational stuffs.

w3schools HTML Colors - The ultimate & useful color reference guide from w3schools! RGB & Hex values for colors. Additionally, if you don't like hex or RGB, get a list of color names that are supported by ALL browsers here and here.

ColorBlender - Free online tool for color matching and palette design.

I Like Your Colors - Enter the url of any site and get their color schemes.

colorcombos - Find the perfect color combination for your project.

Colors Palette Generator - Upload an image to generate a color palette based on the image's primary colors. Useful for quickly grabbing a particular color within an image for inspiration.

Color Scheme Designer - The name speaks for itself. Use the color wheel to get your perfect scheme.

EasyRGB Color Harmonies - From your RGB colors it creates colors complements, harmonies and themes. It can be used to easily generate a Web site color theme or to select good trim and accent colors for your home decorations.

Go on and play with all the colors you like...


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